Please feel free to contact us if you have a passion for horses and you are a equine dentist, student, postgraduate scholar, human dentist or veterinary surgeon with a special interest. As equine dentists, we are committed to sharing our knowledge and practical experience with you. Collaboration and subsequent feedback assists us in the development of new teaching methods and practice protocols, all of which benefit the horse.
You will be able to:
- Broaden your knowledge through various training programs and courses the AEDP provides in Australia and in Europe
- Connect with your peers to participate and contribute to research. We also have long lists of subjects that could be used as inspiration when deetermining what research you would like to conduct.
- Give input through professional forums
- Be involved in the development of training programs.
- Find out if you're eligable to join our association and take part in the building of an ethical equine dental treatment community. The NEDP welcomes your input, as do we.